Affordable Dentist
in SW Calgary
- accepting new patients & dental emergencies
- we offer direct insurance billing
- sedation options for kids & adults
- wheelchair accessible
- low cost dentist in calgary

Affordable Dentist
in SW Calgary
- accepting new patients & dental emergencies
- we offer direct insurance billing
- sedation options for kids & adults
- wheelchair accessible
- low cost dentist in calgary

why us

Walk-in & next-day appointments welcome! We’re your emergency dentist in SW Calgary. Our team is always here for you!

No need to wait for your insurance reimbursement! We send your insurance claim for you.

We care about our patients and want to work together with each patient to achieve optimal oral health and a beautiful smile at a low cost dentist in Calgary.

Say goodbye to dental anxiety with our dentist in SW Calgary. We offer Sedation options to alleviate anxiety for a more relaxed treatment.
looking for a dental clinic near you?
new patients are always welcome

looking for a dental clinic near you?
new patients are always welcome
Same Day Appointments Available

Affordable Dentist and Honest Dental Clinic Near You
We're Your Affordable Dentist in Calgary, Here For Your Dental Emergency
Same-Day Emergency Appointments Available

Have You Booked Your Dental Check-up and cleaning at a dentist near you?
low cost dentist in calgary on
2 locations to care for your smile
Shaganappi Plaza
Southland Tower
patient testimonials
Kelly is the best hygienist ever. Dr Chan is thorough and does excellent work.
(Shaganappi Plaza, Calgary)
Pleasant staff; teeth cleaning and check-up was done in a timely manner.
Clear explanation from both hygienist and dentist
Adelina S
(Shaganappi Plaza, Calgary)
I thought my new Dentist we very nice and patient to explain everything to me
He was very gentle and the work was excelled
Elaine B
(Southland Tower, Calgary)
A great experience, friendly reception, expert care and attention by Jessica during cleaning and warm personal professional approach of Dr B makes thi
John James T
(Southland Tower, Calgary)
Who knew that going to the dentist could be such s pleasurable experience.
Patricia L
(Shaganappi Plaza ,Calgary)